“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”
― William James
Some of the areas and issues I work with:
Self-esteem issues
Domestic abuse, psychological, emotional, physical and sexual
Loss, grief, bereavement
Loss of meaning
Bereavement from suicide
Stress and burnout
Relationship issues
For all of us at one point or another, life can feel unmanageable. Whether personal or relationship issues mean it’s getting harder and harder for you to cope or whether the world has suddenly thrown you a devastating curveball. Sometimes it’s time to reach out and get some help.
Counselling and therapy – and the support and human connection that offers - can often be the answer. Because when life gets hard it’s even harder to do it on your own.
My name is Philippa Waller and I offer face-to-face or online counselling and therapy to help you navigate your way through life’s difficult times. As well as being a fully qualified integrative psychotherapist - I am also a human being who understands how hard it can be to see a way through when life gets more challenging. I also know how important it is to have the right person alongside you to help you work things through, explore yourself and your situation, expand your options and get to a better place.
If you would like to message me, email me or give me a call we can talk about what you are dealing with, what you are looking for and how we might work together to help you get your life back on track and your relationship with yourself and with others to a much more healthy and happy place.

Contact Me
You’re not alone. At the very least - you are not alone in your aloneness. I’m here
So, do get in touch. Let’s talk.
You can reach me via text or WhatsApp or call me on 07958316227
Or you can email me at counselling@4dhumanbeing.com